Here’s What’s Happening At ACS….


Our morning Town Hall Meetings begin in our gym at 7:45 AM. This will allow students to enter their homerooms by 8:00 AM. Scholars are tardy at 8:10 am. Please note, three tardies are equivalent to one absence.  Please allow enough time for your commute so that our scholars will not miss a minute of instruction.


We are working diligently to keep a consistent flow with our morning drop-off traffic pattern. Please follow the directives of our Safety Personnel and proceed with caution in the parking lot.


Annunciation Catholic School offers Before and Aftercare. your scholar MUST be fully registered to participate… Please contact Mrs. Kay directly by calling our office or emailing her at to register your scholar.


Please ensure that your scholar arrives at school with complete uniforms as outlined on our website at

(We have allowed solid black sneakers this year).  Non-logo items are fine if Flynn and O’Hara cannot meet your needs. Hoodies are not allowed. Also, hair color(s) must visually reflect our scholar’s natural/original tint.


Online Virtus Training is required for all parent volunteers. This is the ADW’s initiative to protect our children.  Please contact Ms. Boggs or Mrs. Kay for more information.


The MECCA Group, LLC partnered with ACS to offer healthy support and development for our scholars. If you are interested in your scholar receiving counseling service, please return the counseling interest forms that were emailed, sent home, or contact Mrs. Kay or Ms. Boggs.


Our September Scholars of the Month will be awarded on Friday, September 30th after Mass for exhibiting characteristics of a “Reflector”. Reflectors, thoughtfully consider the world, their own ideas, and experiences. They are able to assess their strengths and weaknesses in order to support their learning and personal development. Stay tuned for the list of scholars to be rewarded.


Our very first 2022-2023 Footprint Party will take place on Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Scholars with twenty-four or more Footprints will be allowed to participate. Congratulations to our scholars who are working diligently to earn their Footprints daily.


Individual School Pictures WILL NOT take place on September 30th. Stay tuned for the rescheduled date.


HSPT Prep starts Saturday, September 24th. Please contact Mrs. Kay at to register. It will continue on the following dates from 8:30am-11:30am:

Saturday, September 24, 2022 (Virtual Session)
Saturday, October 1, 2022 (In-Person)
Saturday, October 8, 2022 (In-Person)
Saturday, October 15, 2022 (In-Person)
Saturday, October 22, 2022 (Online Asynchronous Session)
Saturday, October 29, 2022 (In-Person)
Saturday, November 5, 2022 (In-Person)
Saturday, November 12, 2022 (Online Asynchronous Session)
Saturday, November 19, 2022 (In-Person)


The following High Schools will be visiting our 8th-grade scholars on the following dates to share information about their schools:

Thursday 9/22 – Saint Anselm’s Abbey/ Holy Cross @ 10 am
Monday 9/26 – Bishop McNamara @ 9 am

October dates are forthcoming.


After School Clubs have started and include: Yoga Club, Math & Snacks, Mental Health & Self Care Club, Art Club,  K-Pop & Korean Culture, Young Entrepreneurs Club, French Club, Environmental Club, ACS Liturgical Dance Club, Origami Club, & ACS Vocal Club

Debate, Chess, Drama, & International Clubs are forthcoming. Persons interested in leading one of the listed clubs are encouraged to contact Ms. Boggs.


Join our HSA (Home & School Association) today!  Earn your parent volunteer hours and lend your hands in supporting upcoming school activities. Please email our HSA at to learn more today!


Let’s Get Poppin’! Our Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser is taking place now from September 20, 2022-Saturday, September 24, 2022… 

Download the Double Good app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. Enter our Event Code: NTG GPR in the app. Upload a photo or take a selfie to help supporters know who they are purchasing from. You’ll have up to 5 days to share your personal Pop-Up Store link with friends and family through text messaging, email, and social media.  Once ordered, items will be shipped directly to the purchaser!


Yay Lunch orders are due by 12noon on Sundays for the following week. Please visit to sign up your scholar.


Pizza Fridays.  Pizza is ordered every Friday for our scholars. Please return the Pizza order forms as soon as possible. Please feel free to retrieve one from the school information table located within our school near our main entrance.


Please be sure to send your scholar to school with at least two water bottles daily. Refillable water bottles are welcomed so that scholars can refill them.


Our weekly Bake Sales are every Friday. Please be sure to send your scholar with funds so that they can purchase their favorite snacks & goods.


For the Art Classes this year Mr. K is looking for old newspapers, magazines, and old plastic lids (from nut jars, peanut butter jars, pretzel jars, etc..).


Annunciation Catholic School is still enrolling in-person in grades PreK-4th grade, 6th grade, and all grades within our Global Campus. Learn more at

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