Summer Learning Will Continue Starting July 2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

In an effort to ensure our scholars continue to grow academically over the summer months, we are requiring them to complete Math and reading assignments in all grades.   Please see below for the required assignments for your child(ren)’s grade level.

All scholars will be required to complete two units in both Math and Reading on Classworks four days per week. The standards covered through Classworks will ensure that all of the standards of the previous school year are mastered.  There is not a time limit on these activities; rather, scholars will be graded upon completion of the units when they return to school.  The students should receive a grade of 80% or above on the Classworks assignment.  Weekly, teachers will observe the student progress and reassign units that fall below 80%.  All scholars have their login information.

New Families: Details are forthcoming.

If you have any questions about Classworks please take a look at the video on this page.

Intermediate Grades 3-5 English Language Arts

Scholars in the intermediate grades will be required to read a total of four novels, one of which has been pre-selected:

3rd: The Wild Robot Escapes, Peter Brown
4th: Hidden Figures:The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race,
Margot Lee Shetterly. III, Laura Freemen
5th: Be the Change: The Future Is in Your Hands,Eunice Moyle and Sabrina Moyle

Reading can be one of the many fun activities children choose to fill their summer time. And research has shown it is also much

The remaining three novels are reading selections which may be selected from this link  Intermediate Summer Reading List. Each novel will need to have an assignment that is to be completed from the choice board at this link Intermediate Choice Board.

Middle Grades 6-8 English Language Arts

6th: Look Both Ways, Jason Reynolds
7th: Hatchet, Gary Paulsen
8th: The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

*In lieu of an activity to coincide with the required novels, scholars will be administered a writing assignment upon returning to school during the first week. Students should keep a notebook, summarizing each chapter and keep track of new vocabulary.

The remaining three novels may be selected from this link, MS Summer Reading. Each novel selected must have an assignment completed from the MS Choice Board.

Learning Ally is the learning tool that can be used to help scholars access books electronically and receive reading support. All returning scholars  have access to Learning Ally and are familiar with how to access it. All new scholars will receive access on or by June 29th.

The math packets are available for each grade level and instructions are attached to each.

Have an awesome summer and feel free to contact [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions.

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