History, Mission & Vision
Our History
Annunciation Catholic School opened in September of 1954 with grades K through 8. The school was staffed by the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus and guided by the direction of the Reverend Mother Mary Joan, SHCJ. The mission and curriculum of the school continues to reflect the teachings of the founder of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Cornelia Connelly.
Our Mission
Annunciation Catholic School aims to empower all scholars to become reflective, compassionate and mission driven individuals dedicated to use their God given gifts and talents to create a better world. Through a deeper and broader understanding of their faith, accompanied by an appreciation of the universality and connections of the entire world, our rigorous academic curriculum will foster in our scholars an empathic understanding of and active participation in the world as global citizens.
Our Vision
The Annunciation Catholic School teachers, parents and community are dedicated to help all students apply their personal attributes to lead productive lives and to become contributing members of the global community.